Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Guide to using LaunchPad for OpenERP

Guide to using LaunchPad for OpenERP development

                                                                                     Pinakin Nayi
                                                                                     Trainee at OpenERP India.
                                                                                     Info-City, Gandhinagar.
  1. Create an account for yourself on LaunchPad.
  2. Upload your ssh signature as per
  3. Log in to Launchpad: On Centos:
    bzr launchpad-login <your-launchpad-login>
    On Ubuntu:
    bzr whoami <your-launchpad-login>
  4. Get the latest trunk source code: For the server:
    bzr branch lp:~openerp/openobject-server/trunk
    For the modules:
    bzr branch lp:openobject-addons
  5. To update (cf. svn update, i.e. freshen) your branch later:
    bzr pull

    How to contribute your changes to the OpenERP Community

    1. Join the OpenERP Community here:
    2. You should probably create a bug or mod with a Blueprint on Launchpad in the appropriate project.
    3. Make your changes.
      vi addons/account/
    4. Commit to your local branch.
      cd addons
      bzr ci -m "Testing Modifications"
    5. Push your changes up to Launchpad.
      cd addons
      bzr push lp:~openerp-community/openobject-addons/YOURLOGIN_YOURBRANCHNAME
      Don’t forget to set the status of your branch (new, experimental, development, mature, …) so that contributors know what they can use or not.
    6. Bind your local branch to the one on Launchpad so that future commits will be applied directly to the one on Launchpad.
      bzr bind lp:~openerp-community/openobject-addons/YOURLOGIN_YOURBRANCHNAME
    7. Further editing would then follow these steps:
      bzr pull    # Get modifications on your branch from others
      bzr ci    # commit your changes on your public branch
      bzr ci --fixes=lp:453123   # Where 453123 is a bug ID
    8. Update your branch from its parent branch:
      bzr merge
    9. Once your branch is mature, mark it as mature in the web interface of launchpad and request for merging in the official release. Your branch will be reviewed by a commiter and then the quality team to be merged in the official release.

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